Soal Tes Bahasa Inggris Akademik BINTARA POLRI – Selamat membaca kawan kawan. Semoga kalian yang mampir ke blog ini lulus tes dan menjadi apa yang Anda cita – citakan. Jadilah Polisi yang berguna untuk Rakyat Indonesia. Soal Tes Akademik Bahasa Inggris Bintara Polri BAHASA Inggris.
Soal Tes Bahasa Inggris Akademik BINTARA POLRI
1. Hans Christian Anderson is a very famous author. He was born on April 2nd 1825. He used to be an unlucky Danish boy. He spent his childhood full of sadness. His father was only a poor shoemaker and his mother worked as washer woman. At age of 11, his father died.
What does the speaker talk about….
a. A famous author.
b. A poor shoemaker.
c. A Danish boy.
d. A washer woman.
e. A hard work mother.
2. How was the life of Hans Christian Anderson?
a. Full of satisfaction
b. Full of sadness
c. Full of happiness.
d. Very disappointed.
e. Very painful.
3. Thus all the four broke their Sholah and wasted it. The fault-finders went more astray than the one who made the orginal mistake. Remember! Correct yourself before correcting others.
The simple form (Verb-1) of the underlined words are…
a. break – go – made
b. break – gone – make
c. break – go – make
d. broke – went – make
e. broken – go – made
Text (For questions no 4 – 5)
The polar bear is a very big white bear. We call it the polar bear because it lives inside the Arctic Circle near the North Pole. There are no polar bears at the South Pole.
The polar bears live at the North pole. There is only snow, ice, and water. There is not any land. These bears are three meters long, and weight 450 kilos. They can stand up on their back legs because they have very wide feed. They can use their front legs like arms. The Polar bears can swim very well. They can swim 120 kilometres out into the water. They catch fish and sea animals for food. They go into the sea when they are afraid.
People like to kill the polar bears for their beautiful white coats. The governments of Canada, the united states and Russia say that no one can kill polar bears now. They do not want all of these beautiful animals to die.
Baca Juga : Soal dan Jawaban TES Psikologi SIM A dan C
4. What does the passage mainly discuss?
a. The size of polar bears
b. Why people hunt polar bears
c. Where polar bears live
d. A brief description of polar bears.
d. The habitat of polar bears
5. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about a polar bear?
a. A polar bear weigh 450 kilos
b. A polar bear goes into the sea when it is angry
c. A polar bear is three meters long
d. A polar bear can swim 120 km out into the water
e. A polar bear catches fish for food
6. Eka : Are you free today?
Lidya : Yes, what’s up?
Eka : Would you like to come with me to see the “Peterpan” show tonight?
Lidya : Thanks, I’d be delighted to. It’s my favourite band.
What are the speakers going to do?
A. To stay at home.
B. To see Peterpan show.
C. To arrange their free time.
D. To watch Peterpan at home.
E. To come to their friend’s house.
7. 1. You can make instant noodles with the help of microwave
2. Finally, add any items that you want and serve the noodles
3. First, fill the bowl with 2 cups of water and the noodle
4. Microwave it for about three to five minutes.
5. Then, take noodles out of the microwave and pour the seasonings
6. After the microwave beeps, wait for three minutes in the closed microwave
7. Next, stir the noodles until the seasonings dissolve.
The best arrangement of the sentences above is . .
A. 1-7-5-6-2-4-3
B. 1-3-4-6-5-7-2
C. 1-2-7-3-6-5-4
D. 1-4-7-5-2-6-3
E. 1-4-6-5-2-3-7
Baca Juga : Soal Akademik TPU Tes Pengetahuan Umum BINTARA POLRI
Text (For questions no 8 – 10)
Facsimile, often called fax, is a way of transmitting texts and pictures over telephone lines. News services often use facsimile to send news, stories and photographs to newspaper and television stations. Banks, law firms and other businesses use facsimile to send copies of documents to clients and other organizations.
A device called a facsimile machine is used for transmitting and receiving images. Facsimile machines resemble small photocopiers. However, they are equipped with a telephone or are connected to one. To send a document, the user inserts it into the machine and dials the telephone number of the receiving fax machine. After the connection is made, an electronic scanner on the transmitting machine moves across the page and converts the image into a set of electric signals. These signals travel over the telephone line to the receiving fax machine. Then machine converts the electric signals back into an image of the original document and then prints a copy.
Some business people use small desktop fax machines or portable models at home or when they travel. A personal computer can also be used to send and receive documents if it is equipped with a special electronic circuit board called a fax board
8. What is the main information in paragraph 2?
a facsimile machine is a small photocopier
b. a facsimile machine is equipped with a telephone to transmit images
c. a facsimile machine transmits and receives images
d. a facsimile machine converts the electric signals back into an image
e. a facsimile machine sends documents to distant places
9. What do you call in the facsimile machine that converts the image of the document into a set of electric signals?
a. a copier
b. an electronic scanner
c. a converter
d. a transmitting machine
e. a telephone
Baca Juga : Soal Tes Akademik BINTARA POLRI Bahasa Indonesia
10. What do you need to enable your computer to send and receive documents like a fax?
a. a fax board
b. an electronic circuit
c. a transmitter
d. an electronic scanner
e. a signal converter
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