Defines 5 Worst Questions In Digital Marketing – Staying abreast of what’s going on in the world of internet is the only way to survive. As a marketer and social media strategist, you should be familiar with the current trends and what’s working in recent days. It is important as you have to satisfy a large number of customers. In reality, you might not be able to have access to all the SEO and marketing resources, but you have to access a few of them to satisfy your customers. And sometimes, you might be asked to use the latest and advanced marketing practices. To be honest, you should have a grip over all the basic
content marketing strategies and methods if you want to achieve success on the internet.
Ivan Konovalov, a top expert from
Semalt, shares here those five questions a strategist should not ask while performing his tasks.
Defines 5 Worst Questions In Digital Marketing
Question#1. Can you make my videos and content viral?
Honestly speaking, it is not possible for anyone to make your videos and content viral within seconds. Only a few marketers and social media experts can predict what can go viral and what’s not suitable. Going viral means your videos and content should be engaging, informative and impressive. It is an unpredictable and impossible to measure if your content will be viral on social media and how many views it can get in 24 hours. The only thing you should do is providing valuable and informative things to your target audience. This is how you can see the desired results.
Question#2. How much growth will I see after 30 days?
Content marketers focus on improving your organic search results, so you should never ask them how many days they will require accomplishing the tasks. Sometimes, they can give the desired outcomes within hours, and other times it might not be possible for them to generate lots of views for your website. You should not expect magical results in a month or two and wait for some weeks before the content marketer does his job.
Question#3. When should I expect my website or a keyword on the first page?
There are a lot of things to take care of while promoting your website. It depends on how engaging your content is, who is your target audience and how many keywords and phrases you have used. When it comes to planning the content marketing strategies, you should focus on keywords but don’t stuff them in the content. Google has launched various updates on how to revolutionize the
search engines with engaging content. Search engines cannot get your site good rank until you have used both short tail and long tail keywords.
Question#4. Why do I need social media sites?
Even when your audience doesn’t use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media networks, you must create separate profiles for your site. Plus, you should never ask your content marketer or strategist anything about why social media is important for the survival of a business is not possible without these platforms. Some audiences are far more active than the others: Ñ‚that means people look for you all the time regardless of their locations. For example, Facebook has over 1.4 million active users, Twitter enjoys more than 300 million monthly users, and LinkedIn is famous for its over 330 million registered members.
Question#5. Why are not you using guest posts?
Last but not the least, you should never ask why the content marketer is not using guest posts to promote your stuff. Let me here tell you that he knows better than you and wants to use white hat SEO strategies to rank your site. Guest posts are associated with spam websites and the black hat SEO tactics, so there is no need to go with them.
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